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Vagina Steaming 

How does it work ? What are the benefits ?

Yoni steaming can get your feminine health in check! So, if you want to be educated, have a tighter vajayjay, help with BV, Infertility, Odor, Common yoni issues or even if, you want to detox your Ex! I've got you covered!

Yoni steaming is essentially, steaming the vagina. It is also known as bajo or vaginal steam. Yoni steaming is the practice of
sitting over a steaming pot of water infused with medicinal herbs. It uses the healing power of plants and vital heat to restore balance to our feminine cycles in all stages of life. The herb infused steam supports our bodies in the natural release of that which does not serve our optimal health, while connecting us to our inner wombman.

 Remember yoni steaming isn't limited to just improving period discomfort, but that’s certainly the reason many women turn to yoni steaming in the first place. Besides period cramps, vagina steams are known to help with the healing of feminine balances including:- Menstrual Pain & PMS - Menopause Symptoms- Restoring Irregular Menstrual Cycles - P.C.O.S.(loss of cycle, bleed too much/too little) - Postpartum Healing - Infertility - Detoxification- Endometriosis - Trauma Release- UTI & Yeast Infection - Uterine Prolapse & Irregularity- Fibroids & Ovarian Cysts - Fortify against Cancer- Reignite Libido & Sensual Passion - Reproductive Adhesion- Healing from Surgical Scars - Womb Cleansing-irregular periods- hemorrhoids-bloating-tightening the vagina- odor-vaginal dryness-rapid healing after childbirth.All women of all ages can do yoni steams. It is however prohibited during pregnancy or if you have an IUD